Sunday, November 22, 2009

Couch Surfing

Travel problems solved.  I have bought my plane tickets, and here's my vacation plans during the holidays...

I can't wait!  I think this has potential to be a REALLY interesting trip.  Why?  Mostly because I plan on couch surfing.  For those of you who don't know what that means, here's my best explanation.  There is a website called  Basically, I set up a profile, and then search other profiles who live in the cities I plan on visiting.  I then choose who I want to contact, and send them a message asking if they'll take me in for a few nights.  This is a really long process!  There are so many profiles to look through and some many messages to individually write to everyone.  A few minutes ago, I got my first positive response!  So it looks like I'll be staying with a Polish girl in Krakow.  Yay!  Now hopefully I can find somewhere for Christmas and New Years.

On a totally different note, I've been noticing a couple driving differences here in Europe that I wanted to share.
  • MUCH more people park backwards in normal parking lots.  Why?  While I'm awesome at it, isn't it harder to do for no good reason?  It seems like a waste of time to me.  It also leads to a lot of people parking on the lines.
    • Funny side note: A few days ago that exact thing happened causing Macsen to not be able to open his door because the guy parked too close.  When we got to the car, Macsen asked why he didn't have room to open the door, so I told him it was because the guy parked on the line, too close to me.  So then he started pointing at the car and looking on the other side seeing how much room the guy had on the other side...making a big production of it.  The problem was that the guy was sitting in his car!!!  I felt bad.
  • Drivers are much more impatient here.  If someone who wants to go fast gets behind someone who wants to go slow, they will either pass immediately (if they can) or ask the slow driver to pull over by flashing lights or putting on their left turn signals.  I think this happens because there are hardly any 4 lane roads here.  Nearly everything is 2 lanes.

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