Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Hello! In case you have been curious, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. My family and I recently moved into a new house, and we haven't had the internet. Evidently, it takes the phone company (yes, DSL) 10 days to change the internet account to a new house. I'm not sure if that's how long it takes the company to find the button to push to switch it, or if the button takes that long to send the signal to the house.

Here's a teaser of things to come (whenever I get the internet)...
New house video
Mosh-pit with 13-year olds
Oma and Opa
Outlet shopping and Ikea
My real family replaced me with a dog

Oh...this is coming from a McDonalds. Good 'ole America.


  1. Well, I never looked at it as replacing you with the puppy! He might be cuter, more cuddly, and more entertaining, but he'll NEVER replace you!

  2. Ha ha to your Mom's comment! We've missed you Noah! Sounds like you've been busy :)

    Barley is pretty cute and cuddly...I don't know about the more entertaining part...you are pretty entertaining!

  3. cant wait to hear more about oma and opa and about the ikea!! dont you all know how much i *love* ikea?? sad that im not with you all anymore =( bisous!!!
