Last week, Greg was in Paris. On top of that, Juliette's busiest time of the year are these few weeks. And even more than that, Aiden was sick Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Adding all of that with 2 babysitting gigs, I was BUSY. Basically nonstop childcare is exhausting. At least I was rewarded for it...financially.
This previous weekend, Molly's parents were gone, leaving her to watch the kids. She has 2 girls (10 & 12) who are really quite fun, and I enjoy quite much. So I decided to hang out with Molly and the girls. The most interesting part was the carnaval that was going on in Thoiry. All week, at school, carnies were setting up rides and games. There were 3 rides and 3 games. Tiny. However, the whole event was quite fun.
On Saturday, there was a candlit parade. There's no way this would happen in America. Every kid got a candle with real fire. To make it worse, the candle hung surrounded by colored paper, making a lantern. Guess what happened when the latern swung in a wrong way? Fire. Then the adults and teenagers got torches...not candles, torches.
Sunday had the best feature. A parade. Molly's girls were very excited because they helped make a float and were going to go on it. Great. I thought there would be maybe 4 or 5 floats. This is a VERY small village. And it wasn't even a holiday. Boy, was I wrong. There were probably close to 15 floats with several marching bands. And the floats were hilarious. There was no cohesion. Just random, weird floats. But the BEST part was what they passed out. No candy thrown to little children. Instead, booze and fondue. I got some wine and some Grand Marnier with orange juice. How awesome is that?! Just something else that would never happen in America.